ICF illustration library English version


e210 e215 e220 e225 e230 e235 e240 e245
Physical geography Population Flora and fauna Climate Natural events Human-caused events Light Time-related changes
Features of land forms and bodies of water. Groups of people living in a given environment who share the same pattern of environmental adaptation. Plants and animals. Meteorological features and events, such as the weather. Geographic and atmospheric changes that cause disruption in an individual's physical environment, occurring regularly or irregularly, such as earthquakes and severe or violent weather conditions, e.g. tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, floods, forest fires and ice-storms. Alterations or disturbances in the natural environment, caused by humans, that may result in the disruption of people's day-to-day lives, including events or conditions linked to conflict and wars, such as the displacement of people, destruction of social infrastructure, homes and lands, environmental disasters and land, water or air pollution (e.g. toxic spills). Electromagnetic radiation by which things are made visible by either sunlight or artificial lighting (e.g. candles, oil or paraffin lamps, fires and electricity), and which may provide useful or distracting information about the world. Natural, regular or predictable temporal change.

e250 e255 e260
Sound Vibration Air quality
A phenomenon that is or may be heard, such as banging, ringing, thumping, singing, whistling, yelling or buzzing, in any volume, timbre or tone, and that may provide useful or distracting information about the world. Regular or irregular to and fro motion of an object or an individual caused by a physical disturbance, such as shaking, quivering, quick jerky movements of things, buildings or people caused by small or large equipment, aircraft and explosions. Characteristics of the atmosphere (outside buildings) or enclosed areas of air (inside buildings), and which may provide useful or distracting information about the world.

e298 Natural environment and human-made changes to environment, other specified
e299 Natural environment and human-made changes to environment, unspecified

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.