ICF illustration library English version

Communicating - receiving

d310 d315 d320 d325
Communicating with - receiving - spoken messages Communicating with - receiving - nonverbal messages Communicating with - receiving - formal sign language messages Communicating with - receiving - written messages
Comprehending literal and implied meanings of messages in spoken language, such as understanding that a statement asserts a fact or is an idiomatic expression. Comprehending the literal and implied meanings of messages conveyed by gestures, symbols and drawings, such as realizing that a child is tired when she rubs her eyes or that a warning bell means that there is a fire. Receiving and comprehending messages in formal sign language with literal and implied meaning. Comprehending the literal and implied meanings of messages that are conveyed through written language (including Braille), such as following political events in the daily newspaper or understanding the intent of religious scripture.

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.