ICF illustration library English version

specific mental functions
b156 Perceptual functions
Specific mental functions of recognizing and interpreting sensory stimuli.

functions of auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile and visuospatial perception, such as a hallucination or illusion

consciousness functions (b110); orientation functions (b114); attention functions (b140); memory functions (b144); mental functions of language (b167); seeing and related functions (b210-b229); hearing and vestibular functions (b230-b249); additional sensory functions (b250-b279)

b1560 b1561 b1562 b1563 b1564 b1565 b1568 b1569
Auditory perception Visual perception Olfactory perception Gustatory perception Tactile perception Visuospatial perception Perceptual functions, other specified Perceptual functions, unspecified
Mental functions involved in discriminating sounds, tones, pitches and other acoustic stimuli. Mental functions involved in discriminating shape, size, colour and other ocular stimuli. Mental functions involved in distinguishing differences in smells. Mental functions involved in distinguishing differences in tastes, such as sweet, sour, salty and bitter stimuli, detected by the tongue. Mental functions involved in distinguishing differences in texture, such as rough or smooth stimuli, detected by touch. Mental function involved in distinguishing by sight the relative position of objects in the environment or in relation to oneself.

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.