ICF illustration library English version

e585 Education and training services, systems and policies
Services, systems and policies for the acquisition, maintenance and improvement of knowledge, expertise and vocational or artistic skills. See UNESCO's International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-1997).

e5850 e5851 e5852 e5858 e5859
Education and training services Education and training systems Education and training policies Education and training services, systems and policies, other specified Education and training services, systems and policies, unspecified
Services and programmes concerned with education and the acquisition, maintenance and improvement of knowledge, expertise and vocational or artistic skills, such as those provided for different levels of education (e.g. preschool, primary school, secondary school, post-secondary institutions, professional programmes, training and skills programmes, apprenticeships and continuing education), including those who provide these services. Administrative control and monitoring mechanisms that govern the delivery of education programmes, such as systems for the implementation of policies and standards that determine eligibility for public or private education and special needs-based programmes; local, regional or national boards of education or other authoritative bodies that govern features of the education systems, including curricula, size of classes, numbers of schools in a region, fees and subsidies, special meal programmes and after-school care services. Legislation, regulations and standards that govern the delivery of education programme, such as policies and standards that determine eligibility for public or private education and special needs-based programmes, and dictate the structure of local, regional or national boards of education or other authoritative bodies that govern features of the education system, including size of classes, numbers of schools in a region, fees and subsidies, special meal programmes and after-school care services.

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.