ICF illustration library English version

e555 Associations and organizational services, systems and policies
Services, systems and policies relating to groups of people who have joined together in the pursuit of common, noncommercial interests, often with an associated membership structure.

e5550 e5551 e5552 e5558 e5559
Associations and organizational services Associations and organizational systems Associations and organizational policies Associations and organizational services, systems and policies, other specified Associations and organizational services, systems and policies, unspecified
Services and programmes provided by people who have joined together in the pursuit of common, noncommercial interests with people who have the same interests, where the provision of such services may be tied to membership, such as associations and organizations providing recreation and leisure, sporting, cultural, religious and mutual aid services. Administrative control and monitoring mechanisms that govern the relationships and activities of people coming together with common noncommercial interests and the establishment and conduct of associations and organizations such as mutual aid organizations, recreational and leisure organizations, cultural and religious associations and not-for-profit organizations. Legislation, regulations and standards that govern the relationships and activities of people coming together with common noncommercial interests, such as policies that govern the establishment and conduct of associations and organizations, including mutual aid organizations, recreational and leisure organizations, cultural and religious associations and not-for-profit organizations.

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.