ICF illustration library English version

e550 Legal services, systems and policies
Services, systems and policies concerning the legislation and other law of a country.

e5500 e5501 e5502 e5508 e5509
Legal services Legal systems Legal policies Legal services, systems and policies, other specified Legal services, systems and policies, unspecified
Services and programmes aimed at providing the authority of the state as defined in law, such as courts, tribunals and other agencies for hearing and settling civil litigation and criminal trials, attorney representation, services of notaries, mediation, arbitration and correctional or penal facilities, including those who provide these services. Administrative control and monitoring mechanisms that govern the administration of justice, such as systems for implementing and monitoring formal rules (e.g. laws, regulations, customary law, religious law, international laws and conventions). Legislation, regulations and standards, such as laws, customary law, religious law, international laws and conventions, that govern the administration of justice.

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.