ICF illustration library English version

e520 Open space planning services, systems and policies
Services, systems and policies for the planning, design, development and maintenance of public lands, (e.g. parks, forests, shorelines, wetlands) and private lands in the rural, suburban and urban context.

architecture and construction services, systems and policies (e515)

e5200 e5201 e5202 e5208 e5209
Open space planning services Open space planning systems Open space planning policies Open space planning services, systems and policies, other specified Open space planning services, systems and policies, unspecified
Services and programmes aimed at planning, creating and maintaining urban, suburban, rural, recreational, conservation and environmental space, meeting and commercial open spaces (plazas, open-air markets) and pedestrian and vehicular transportation routes for intended uses, including those who provide these services.

products for design, building and construction for public (e150) and private (e155) use; products of land development (e160)
Administrative control and monitoring mechanisms, such as for the implementation of local, regional or national planning acts, design codes, heritage or conservation policies and environmental planning policy, that govern the planning, design, development and maintenance of open space, including rural, suburban and urban land, parks, conservation areas and wildlife reserves. Legislation, regulations and standards that govern the planning, design, development and maintenance of open space, including rural land, suburban land, urban land, parks, conservation areas and wildlife reserves, such as local, regional or national planning acts, design codes, heritage or conservation policies, and environmental planning policies.

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.