ICF illustration library English version

e515 Architecture and construction services, systems and policies
Services, systems and policies for the design and construction of buildings, public and private.

open space planning services, systems and policies (e520)

e5150 e5151 e5152 e5158 e5159
Architecture and construction services Architecture and construction systems Architecture and construction policies Architecture and construction services, systems and policies, other specified Architecture and construction services, systems and policies, unspecified
Services and programmes for design, construction and maintenance of residential, commercial, industrial and public buildings, such as house-building, the operationalization of design principles, building codes, regulations and standards, including those who provide these services. Administrative control and monitoring mechanisms that govern the planning, design, construction and maintenance of residential, commercial, industrial and public buildings, such as for implementing and monitoring building codes, construction standards, and fire and life safety standards. Legislation, regulations and standards that govern the planning, design, construction and maintenance of residential, commercial, industrial and public buildings, such as policies on building codes, construction standards, and fire and life safety standards.

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.