ICF illustration library English version

Work and employment

d840 d845 d850 d855
Apprenticeship (work preparation) Acquiring, keeping and terminating a job Remunerative employment Non-remunerative employment
Engaging in programmes related to preparation for employment, such as performing the tasks required of an apprenticeship, internship, articling and in-service training. Seeking, finding and choosing employment, being hired and accepting employment, maintaining and advancing through a job, trade, occupation or profession, and leaving a job in an appropriate manner. Engaging in all aspects of work, as an occupation, trade, profession or other form of employment, for payment, as an employee, full or part time, or self-employed, such as seeking employment and getting a job, doing the required tasks of the job, attending work on time as required, supervising other workers or being supervised, and performing required tasks alone or in groups. Engaging in all aspects of work in which pay is not provided, full-time or part-time, including organized work activities, doing the required tasks of the job, attending work on time as required, supervising other workers or being supervised, and performing required tasks alone or in groups, such as volunteer work, charity work, working for a community or religious group without remuneration, working around the home without remuneration.

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.