ICF illustration library English version

Household tasks
d640 Doing housework
Managing a household by cleaning the house, washing clothes, using household appliances, storing food and disposing of garbage, such as by sweeping, mopping, washing counters, walls and other surfaces; collecting and disposing of household garbage; tidying rooms, closets and drawers; collecting, washing, drying, folding and ironing clothes; cleaning footwear; using brooms, brushes and vacuum cleaners; using washing machines, driers and irons.

washing and drying clothes and garments; cleaning cooking area and utensils; cleaning living area; using household appliances, storing daily necessities and disposing of garbage

acquiring a place to live (d610); acquisition of goods and services (d620); preparing meals (d630); caring for household objects (d650); caring for others (d660)

d6400 d6401 d6402 d6403 d6404 d6405 d6408 d6409
Washing and drying clothes and garments Cleaning cooking area and utensils Cleaning living area Using household appliances Storing daily necessities Disposing of garbage Doing housework, other specified Doing housework, unspecified
Washing clothes and garments by hand and hanging them out to dry in the air. Cleaning up after cooking, such as by washing dishes, pans, pots and cooking utensils, and cleaning tables and floors around cooking and eating area. Cleaning the living areas of the household, such as by tidying and dusting, sweeping, swabbing, mopping floors, cleaning windows and walls, cleaning bathrooms and toilets, cleaning household furnishings. Using all kinds of household appliances, such as washing machines, driers, irons, vacuum cleaners and dishwashers. Storing food, drinks, clothes and other household goods required for daily living; preparing food for conservation by canning, salting or refrigerating, keeping food fresh and out of the reach of animals. Disposing of household garbage such as by collecting trash and rubbish around the house, preparing garbage for disposal, using garbage disposal appliances; burning garbage.

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.