ICF illustration library English version


d510 d520 d530 d540 d550 d560 d570
Washing oneself Caring for body parts Toileting Dressing Eating Drinking Looking after one's health
Washing and drying one's whole body, or body parts, using water and appropriate cleaning and drying materials or methods, such as bathing, showering, washing hands and feet, face and hair, and drying with a towel. Looking afer those parts of the body, such as skin, face, teeth, scalp, nails and genitals, that require more than washing and drying. Planning and carrying out the elimination of human waste (menstruation, urination and defecation), and cleaning oneself afterwards. Carrying out the coordinated actions and tasks of putting on and taking off clothes and footwear in sequence and in keeping with climatic and social conditions, such as by putting on, adjusting and removing shirts, skirts, blouses, pants, undergarments, saris, kimono, tights, hats, gloves, coats, shoes, boots, sandals and slippers. Carrying out the coordinated tasks and actions of eating food that has been served, bringing it to the mouth and consuming it in culturally acceptable ways, cutting or breaking food into pieces, opening bottles and cans, using eating implements, having meals, feasting or dining. Taking hold of a drink, bringing it to the mouth, and consuming the drink in culturally acceptable ways, mixing, stirring and pouring liquids for drinking, opening bottles and cans, drinking through a straw or drinking running water such as from a tap or a spring; feeding from the breast. Ensuring physical comfort, health and physical and mental well-being, such as by maintaining a balanced diet, and an appropriate level of physical activity, keeping warm or cool, avoiding harms to health, following safe sex practices, including using condoms, getting immunizations and regular physical examinations.

d598 Self-care, other specified
d599 Self-care, unspecified

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.