ICF illustration library English version

Basic learning

d130 d135 d140 d145 d150 d155 d159
Copying Rehearsing Learning to read Learning to write Learning to calculate Acquiring skills Basic learning, other specified and unspecified
Imitating or mimicking as a basic component of learning, such as copying a gesture, a sound or the letters of an alphabet. Repeating a sequence of events or symbols as a basic component of learning, such as counting by tens or practising the recitation of a poem. Developing the competence to read written material (including Braille) with fluency and accuracy, such as recognizing characters and alphabets, sounding out words with correct pronunciation, and understanding words and phrases. Developing the competence to produce symbols that represent sounds, words or phrases in order to convey meaning (including Braille writing), such as spelling effectively and using correct grammar. Developing the competence to manipulate numbers and perform simple and complex mathematical operations, such as using mathematical signs for addition and subtraction and applying the correct mathematical operation to a problem. Developing basic and complex competencies in integrated sets of actions or tasks so as to initiate and follow through with the acquisition of a skill, such as manipulating tools or playing games like chess.

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.