ICF illustration library English version

Muscle functions
b735 Muscle tone functions
Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and the resistance offered when trying to move the muscles passively.

functions associated with the tension of isolated muscles and muscle groups, muscles of one limb, one side of the body and the lower half of the body, muscles of all limbs, muscles of the trunk, and all muscles of the body; impairments such as hypotonia, hypertonia and muscle spasticity.

muscle power functions (b730); muscle endurance functions (b740).

b7350 b7351 b7352 b7353 b7354 b7355 b7356 b7358
Tone of isolated muscles and muscle groups Tone of muscles of one limb Tone of muscles of one side of body Tone of muscles of lower half of body Tone of muscles of all limbs Tone of muscles of trunk Tone of all muscles of the body Muscle tone functions, other specified
Functions related to the tension present in the resting isolated muscles and muscle groups and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

impairments such as in focal dystonias, e.g. torticollis
Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups in one arm or leg and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

impairments associated with monoparesis and monoplegia.
Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups of the right or left side of the body and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

Impairments associated with hemiparesis and hemiplegia.
Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups in the lower half of the body and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

impairments associated with paraparesis and paraplegia.
Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups in all four limbs and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

impairments associated with tetraparesis and tetraplegia.
Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups of the trunk and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively. Functions related to the tension present in the resting muscles and muscle groups of the whole body and the resistance offered when trying to move those muscles passively.

impairments such as in generalized dystonias and Parkinson's disease, or general paresis and paralysis.

Muscle tone functions, unspecified

Illustrations copyright by TAI TAKAHASHI, International University of Health and Welfare.